So I really did retire from UVU after 22 years! I started part-time at UVU as a counselor in the Fall of 1987. By October of 1988 I began my full-time contract and have been there ever since. I started out working in a double wide trailer in the parking lot of the Administration Bldg and was there for 4 years, running to the nearest building every time I had to use the restroom. Then we moved to the basement of the Administration Bldg, and then upstairs, and then to the Business Bldg. Just last June, we moved to the newly remodeled Losee Center where we more than doubled our space and I enjoyed my dream office for the last 9 months of my stay at UVU.
I watched UVU develop and grow from a little community college of 7000 students, to a State college and then to a University of 26,000 students. I began as a vocational evaluator, then an career counselor, then an Asst. Director of the Assessment Center, to a Director of Career & Student Employment. In 1999 my office of mainly career counseling services was merged with academic advising and I became the director of Career & Academic Counseling. When I left, my staff included around 20 people.
I loved my job at UVU. The people I worked with were like family to me. I miss them tremendously, yet the time felt right as we prepare for our mission. These are some pictures of a retirement reception the college had for me. I think about 100 people stopped by to say good-bye and wish me well. Some of my family came, too, which was great. My boss presented me with some gifts from my co-workers. My last week at work my staff had a farewell party for me and gave me a beautiful picture they had signed on the back, and some lovely books.
Ironically, I enjoyed 8 real days of retirement before UVU called me and asked if I come back and work part-time as an accreditation consultant. Each department has to write a self-study, which is a thorough analysis of their dept and I will be facilitating that process. Since our mission is delayed, I said yes, I would help. I'm hoping to be working maybe 15 hours a week on this project. My former boss' comment when I told her that our mission was delayed was, "Well, someone upstairs is looking out for me!" It was fun to go back and visit with everyone again and feel kind of likc I'm back in the middle of things. My co-dept chairs are always shocked when I call them about accreditation - their comment is, "Didn't you retire?"
It was a great party - so many attended. I was impressed that President Holland came to pay his respects. The Paula Tibbitts dynasty comes to a close at UVU - only to be reawakened on your mission!