Friday, March 19, 2010

Latest Update

This is kind of old news, but I realized today that everyone who may want to know about our mission plans may not know the latest (as of last week).

We received Paula's FBI check on 13 Mar. We talked with the Church Missionary Department and Church Travel on Monday and they gave us an MTC date of 12 April. So, we really are going and it's becoming very real.

We are still studying French, but we will get a little Dutch in the next few weeks.

Andy and Julia are moving in on 27 March and we will start the transition to them living in the house.

Monday, March 1, 2010

We'll be staying in Brussels.

Paula received an email from Sis Pankratz this morning and she told us that we will probably be spending our entire mission in Brussels. The Area President told President Brubaker that the mission office won't move to the Netherlands until October 2011, when the lease on the current office expires (about the time we should finish our mission - depending on the Visa issue). We've included a few pictures of the apartment where we will be living, compliments of Sis Pankratz. The first picture is a view from the Patio (we'll be on the 5th floor - yes, there is an elevator), the second picture is the Kitchen, the third picture is the Living Room and the bottom picture is the Bedroom.